TAMIR Elfara Poland FCI
F:Otis Boanergos RAMSTEIN
Mł.Ch.Pl, Ch.Pl, Mł.Zw.Pl 2012,Mł.Zw,Kl 2012
Mł.Zw.Sk 2012, Mł.Ch.Sk, Ch.Srb, Ch.BiH,Ch.F.BiH

M:FLER Adekatos Poland
Mł.Ch.Pl, Ch.Pl, Ch.SK, ZW PL 2012

standard schnauzer pepper and salt
owner Marysia Sikorska-Zybek lives in Krakowie

Winner of the Baby Club 2013
Polish Puppy winner 2013
BOB Junior x4
Youth Club Winner 2014 + BOB Junior
Junior Polish Champion
Polish Champion
Champion of Romania
Romanian Champion
Champion of Bulgaria
Grande Champion of Bulgaria
Balkan Champion
Champion Montenegro

International Dog Show Zakopane 12.08.2017r., champion class, v1/2, CAC, CACIB, NDPwR, BOB
International Dog Show Częstochowa 23.07.2017r., champion class, v2
International Dog Show Kraków 17.06.2017r., champion class, v1,CAC,r-Cacib
International Dog Show Lucenec Słowacja 6-7.05.2017r., open class, 2xv1, 2xCAC, 2xr-Cacib
International Dog Show Katowice 18.03.2017r., champion class, v2
International Dog Show Kielce 12-13.11.2016r., champion class, v2, v1/2,CWC, Best Dog, CACIB
International Dog Show Ventspils, Latvia 3-4.09.2016r. CAC Courland Winner, champion class, CAC, CQ, Best Dog , Courland Winner, BOB !!!
International Dog Show Ventspils, Latvia 3-4.09.2016r. CAC Royal Canin Cup, champion class, CAC , CQ, Best Dog2
International Dog Show Zakopane 06.08.2016r., champion class, v1,CAC, CACIB, NDPwR, BOB
International Dog Show Nowy Targ 16-17.07.2016r., champion class, 2xv1, 2xCAC, 2xNDPwR, BOS, BOB
International Dog Show Rzeszów 21.05.2016r., champion class, V1/2, CAC, NDPwR, CACIB, BOB
International Dog Show Łódź 15.05.2016r., champion class, V1/3, CAC, NDPwR, CACIB, BOB
International Dog Show Debrecen 24.04.2016r., champion class, CAC, CACIB, BOS
International Dog Show Wilno Litwa 2x V2
National Dog Show Wawrzkowizna 20.09.2015r.,kl.Championów, v3
KRANEVO GOLD CUP Bułgaria 25-26-27.08.2015r., champion class, 3xCAC ,3xCACIB, 3x Best Dog, 3xBOB

Champion Bułgarii, Grande Champion Bułgarii
Bałkan Champion, Champion Montenegro!

International Dog Show Zakopane 01.08.2015r., champion class, CWC Best Dog CACIB BOB
International Dog Show Częstochowa 26.07.2015r., champion class, CAC, Best Dog, Cacib, BOS
National Dog Show Nowy Targ i gr II 18-19.07.2015r., champion class, 2xCAC 2xNDPwR 2x BOB
National Dog Show grII Kraków 21.06.2015r., champion class, CAC, NDPwR, BOB
NAPOCA DOG SHOW Cluj-Napoca 21-22.02.2015 Rumunia , 4xCACA, CACIB, 3x BOS, 3XBOB

Champion Rumunii, Grande Champion Rumunii!!!

National Dog Show Bydgoszcz 14-15.02.2015r.,judge: Anna Winiarska (PL) i Anna Pakulska (PL), open class, 2xCAC, NDPwR, BOB


International Dog Show w Poznaniu 19.10.2014r.,intermediate class, res-Cacib

National Dog Show Gorlice 17.08.2014r., judge: Anna Rogowska(PL), intermediate class, CAC, NPwR, BOB

International Dog Show Zakopane 02.08.2014r. judge: Anna Bogucka(Pl), intermediate class, CAC, Best Dog, CACIB

National Dog Show gr2 Nowy Targ 19.07.2014r. judge: Jaroslav Matyas (SK) junior class, v1, Junior Winner, BOB Junior BOB

International Dog Show Kraków 14/06/2014 judge: Viva Maria Soleckyj-Szpunar (PL) junior class, v1/2, Junior Winner, BOB Junior


Club Show Schnauzer, Pinscher, Doberman and Black Russian Terrier Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki 05.04.2014r. judge: Vitaliy Belskyy (BY), junior class, v1/4 Junior Club Winner 2014!!! BOB Junior

International Dog Show Rzeszów 15.02.2014r. judge: Andrzej Mania (PL) junior class, Junior Winner, BOB Junior

International Dog Show Poznań 27.10.2013r. judge: Maria Bruska (Pl), puppy class, Very promising, Polish Puppy winner 2013

Klubowa Wystawa Sznaucera Legionowo 2013 judge: Liliane de Ridder-Onghena (B), baby class, Very promising, Polish Puppy winner 2013

I International Dog Show Zakopane 2013 judge: Jan Gajewski (PL), baby class, Very promising, Best Baby