SALIM Elfara Poland FCI
F:OTIS Gagatek
Mł.Ch.Pl, Ch.Pl, Sk.Ch, Int.Ch, Mł.Zw.Kl, Mł.Zw.Eu, Mł.Zw.Pl

M: FLER Adekatos Poland
Mł.Ch.Pl, Ch.Pl, Ch.SK, ZW PL 2012

born. 29.08.2011r.
standard schnauzer pepper and salt
owner Daniel Piotrowski tel.609-802-123, Łowicz

Junior Polish Champion
Polish Champion
V-ce Winner of Poland '14 '15
BOG gr2 IV!!!

International Dog Show 08.11.2015r., open class, CAC,r-Cacib vice Winner of Poland 2015
National Dog Show Wawrzkowizna 20/09/2015r., champion class, v2
National Dog Show Legionowo 2015r., champion class, v1, CAC, NDPwR BOB, BOG 4
Sznaucer Club Show Legionowo 2015r., open class,very good 1/3
International Dog Show 19.10.2014r. Poznań, open class, V1/2 vice Winner of Poland 2014
International Dog Show Warszawa 13.07.2014r., champion class, v2/3 r-Cacib
National Dog Show Gostynin 25.05.2014r., champion class, v1, CAC, NDPwR, BOB
International Dog Show Łodzi 11.05.2014r., champion class,V1, CAC, NPDwR, CACIB
National Dog Show Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki 06.04.2014r., champion class, v1, CAC, NPDwR, BOB
National Dog Show Zabrze 13.10.2013r., open class, v1, CAC,
National Dog Show Zabrze 13.10.2013r., open class, v1, CAC,

SALIM Polish Champion !!!

International Dog Show Leszno 02.06.2013r., intermediate class, v1, CWC, NPwR, CACIB
National Dog Show Gostynin 26.05.2013r., intermediate class, v1,CAC
National Dog Show Zabrze 07.04.2013r., intermediate class, v1, CAC
National Dog Show Zabrze 07.04.2013r., intermediate class, v1,CAC
National Dog Show w Radomiu 02.09.2012r., junior class, v1, Junior Winner, BOB Junior, BOB

SALIM Junior Polish Champion!!!

National Dog Show 19.08.2012r.,junior class, v1, Junior Winner
International Dog Show PRESTIGE Leszno 03.06.2012r., junior class,v1,Junior Winner,BOB Junio
International Dog Show Łodź 06.05.2012r., puppy class, I place, Very promising
International Dog Show Katowice 17.03.2012r.,puppy class, I place, Very promising