International Dog Show Zakopane 12.08.2017r., champion class, v1/2, CAC, CACIB, NDPwR, BOB
International Dog Show Częstochowa 23.07.2017r., champion class, v2
International Dog Show Kraków 17.06.2017r.,champion class, v1, CAC, r-Cacib
International Dog Show Lucenec Słowacja 6-7.05.2017r.,open class, 2xv1, 2xCAC, 2xr-Cacib
International Dog Show Katowice 18.03.2017r., champion class, v2
International Dog Show Kielce 12-13.11.2016r., champion class, v2, v1/2, CAC, Best Dog, CACIB
National Dog Show Ventspils, Latvia 3-4.09.2016r. CAC Courland Winner, champion class, CAC, CQ, Best Dog , Courland Winner, BOB !!!
National Dog Show Ventspils, Latvia 3-4.09.2016r. CAC Royal Canin Cup, champion class, CAC , CQ, Best Dog2
National Dog Show Wawrzkowizna 20.09.2015r.
judge: Anna Pakulska (PL),
open class, V1/2, CAC
International Dog Show Częstochowa 26.07.2015r.
judge: Piotr Król (PL)
open class, CAC, r-Cacib-Cacib
International Dog Show Leszno 31.05.2015r.
judge: N.Imbimbo (I)
open class, V2
National Dog Show Legionowo 29.11.2014r., judge: Piotr Król (PL),
intermediate class, CAC
National Dog Show Bydgoszcz 22.11.2014r.
judge: Andrzej Szutkiewicz (PL)
intermediate class, CAC, NDSwR, BOS
International Dog Show Cacib Kielce 08.11.2014r.
judge: Cristian Vantu (RO)
intermediate class,v1/2 CAC r-Cacib
National Dog Show Świętochłowice 13/09/2014
judge: Anna Pakulska (PL)
junior class, v1, Junior Winner BOS
International Dog Show Łodź 11.05.2014r.
judge: Gunther Ehrenreich (A)
junior class, v1, Junior Winner
Club Show Sznaucera, Pinczer, Doberman and Black Russian Terrier
N.D. Mazowiecki 05.04.2014r.,
judge: Vitaliy Belskyy (BY),
junior class, v1, Junior Club Winner 2014
National Dog Show Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki
judge: Adam Ostrowski (Pl),
Puppy class, Very promising, Best Puppy
International Dog Show Poznań 27.10.2013r.
judge: Maria Bruska (Pl),
Puppy class, Very promising, Polish Puppy winner 2013, BEST PUPPY BOB PUPPY
Schnauzer Club Show Legionowo 2013
judge: Liliane de Ridder-Onghena (B)
Baby class, Very promising,
Winner of the Baby Club 2013, BEST BABY BOB BABY
Warsaw Dog Show 14.09.2013r.
judge: Anna Kochan (Pl)
Baby class, Very promising, Best Baby